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I often observe people juggling between works, sometimes able to complete but at times struggling to meet the deadline. In this over-ornate and fast-paced world every second matters because so many changes are happening around us that make us feel as if we are part of an obscure, incessant race.

Then how can one manage everything with ease?? Every day’s hustle and bustle leave us with only one question in mind- HOW TO MANAGE TIME?

At work meeting deadlines, attending meetings, answering calls, communicating, planning work, emails, targets ……...etc. can drain one mentally especially if they are women because they play a dual role in their life. A woman is a combination of home-maker and office goers, so the task is even more challenging to juggle and balance both, like wearing a tiara and walking on high heels, if one loses the balance everything might go for a toss. Nevertheless, it is neither easy for men as numerous men nowadays actively participate in daily household chores and shouldering responsibilities with their partners and family.

Like everything has its pros and cons so does multitasking. On the one hand where it enhances efficiency, productivity, resilience, flexibility, and adaptability, on the other side it is also considered hazardous, it declines the quality of work, causes chronic distraction, procrastination, and misplaced priorities apart from serious health hazards.

In today’s scenario, when everyone faces an influx of tasks and duties and unknowingly encounters various challenges and distractions, multitasking becomes a valuable skill and a savior. In our day-to-day life, we juggle several tasks and one’s ability to effectively multitask continues to be an essential core competency and one of the most sought and universally desired skills.

Most of you can relate to having done things such as-
Listening to music while exercising.
Cooking while talking over the phone.
Holding a conversation while driving.

There are endless examples of such multitasking that we take up analogously. If you aren’t using your multitasking skill efficiently there can be serious downsides that stem from your own inefficiency.


There are loads of suggestions and hacks all over, on improving multitasking skills but today we’ll look into how to improve our productivity and not how to hone something that we already possess.

Firstly, always organize everything and don’t forget to make a ’ to-do list’ and ‘checklist’ this ensures you never forget any specific components of the tasks.

Secondly, learn to prioritize, and try to figure out which tasks need to be done first according to the deadline and their importance, these should likely be on the higher order of your to-do list.

Third, group all tasks of a similar approach together like social media-related work can be clubbed. The similarity will make it easier to shift focus and continue working without losing interest.

Next, managing and escalating as it is one of the easiest ways to avoid burnout, work can be delegated to team members by looking into their capabilities and the importance of the task. This reduces the load from one person and allows all tasks to be completed on time efficiently.

Last but not the least, practice-like everything else multitasking skills can be honed with practice.

Share with me some of your suggestions on effective multitasking.

Thank you!!!